Had Enough? …

Had Enough? …

HAD ENOUGH? Struggling, feeling trapped in the hustle, or stuck in chasing peace and happiness externally is EXHAUSTING. Starting to make choices from that place to change can feel hard, overwhelming, and even hopeless. The healing sessions I offer (online & in...
Your Environment Matters …

Your Environment Matters …

ENVIRONMENT MATTERS  Being in the wrong environment can not only stunt your growth by feeling comfortable but also by reiterating to you all the things you believe subconsciously. The right environment at first might be unknown and scary. Even if we are used to being...
What we tolerate is our choice. …

What we tolerate is our choice. …

TOLERATIONS This was a personal insight I had yesterday about the excessive and unnecessary communication I have been receiving from someone clearly in pain and not doing anything about it besides projecting it. What happens after you get out of domestic violence...
If not now, When? …

If not now, When? …

If not now, WHEN? I have been told it’s both exciting and scary to book a session with me, especially if we haven’t met yet. Why? It’s unknown what might come up.It is sometimes an unexplainable knowing or resonance people feel when booking in that doesn’t make...
“You are too much”…

“You are too much”…

YOU ARE JUST TOO SENSITIVE…  The people who say “you’re too much”, and “too sensitive” and spray statements of toxic positivity at you like “just be happy” or “I don’t know why we all can’t just get along” are people that are either: – Avoiding their own...

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