Be the change …

Be the change …

What to do when change comes knocking… 1. Remember we are energy before matter. 2. Realise we are all having our own needed experience here. All of us are on the same planet but all live at a different vibration. 3. Knowing the vibration each individual is at...
Symbols …

Symbols …

I believe animals are powerful message givers and bring us healing and exactly what we need with no apology. Cockatoo teaches you how to vocalize your truth while showing you how to cut the emotional ties in unhealthy relationships. I found this feather outside my van...
Explore your gifts …

Explore your gifts …

Do you explore your gifts? We all have a uniqueness we bring to the world, to not explore it would be a disservice to one’s experience here. First, we tend to break down walls of being who were are shown to be, what serves us and what doesn’t as we unlearn...
A life-changing time …

A life-changing time …

A life-changing time, I left a piece of my heart here in Peru. It was a totally terrifying experience where I had to face many things within myself or stay the same. It’s almost 10 years since I left my marriage and still, 5yrs ago I was struggling badly with...
Fire …

Fire …

Our boundaries are an extension of our energy and integrity. Ahhh the fire…. Many fear feeling fiery, angry, or even rage and it’s understandable. But…What happens when you keep it inside?What dis-ease might it create in the body? The purification and cleansing...

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