Grief, Anger, and Hurt …

Grief, Anger, and Hurt …

Grief – Anger – Hurt  Recently I found through grief there is always a component of anger. Anger being allowed to live a healthy way can fuel the fires of change. When anger is expressed/used as fuel for forward movement not only is it healthy and helpful...
Potential vs Reality …

Potential vs Reality …

Potential VS Reality is something I talk about a-lot! It’s a time now when our own lessons deepen and it’s beautifully painful to see more. There’s an old part of me that had seen the potential and stayed in a situation longer than needed, usually at...
Fear is linked to Purpose …

Fear is linked to Purpose …

The things that scare us the mostThe things that challenge us the most Are always the doorway to purpose The door is always there I feel i have arrived at these doors enough times to know how possible it is to do it with a sense of fear with me If it doesn’t make my...

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