On so many levels we can grasp, hold and carry. Burdens that is, and I’m curious… what do you carry? I for one, feel the old shadowy burdens creep in like a known weight of what I no longer wish to carry. But yet it creeps in like it’s welcome, by default,...
As I free write, it calls me to break down some layers in simple form on ways to be in the world. I’m not here to be fancy or complicated, I am here to be real and helpful. This is how I decipher mind, body and soul in this moment, in this brief exploration. I...
So, what do I do for a living? “I go through learnings and deep self-work to connect with insights and realisations through my experience of awakening. I choose to then share the wisdom and lessons through an open heart with the world, and in being authentic I reflect...
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