Put Down What You Are Carrying.. The Call to Surrender

Put Down What You Are Carrying.. The Call to Surrender

On so many levels we can grasp, hold and carry. Burdens that is, and I’m curious… what do you carry? I for one, feel the old shadowy burdens creep in like a known weight of what I no longer wish to carry. But yet it creeps in like it’s welcome, by default,...
Simplified Layer Experience – Mind, Body Soul

Simplified Layer Experience – Mind, Body Soul

As I free write, it calls me to break down some layers in simple form on ways to be in the world. I’m not here to be fancy or complicated, I am here to be real and helpful. This is how I decipher mind, body and soul in this moment, in this brief exploration. I...
The Call to Energetics

The Call to Energetics

So, what do I do for a living? “I go through learnings and deep self-work to connect with insights and realisations through my experience of awakening. I choose to then share the wisdom and lessons through an open heart with the world, and in being authentic I reflect...

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