Truth wins …

Truth wins …

3 MOVES … THAT WILL SAVE YOU ENERGY. 1. Know yourself very well. Know all the parts that make your unique human whole already. All parts belong. Love them. 2. Let others talk, let them have their version of the story, and let them misunderstand you. Choose peace. 3....
Deep Lasting Healing  …

Deep Lasting Healing  …

TRUTH is a massive aspect of deep lasting healing. Not put a bandaid on and temporarily feel better healing that society is riddled with. To get to the root cause of the painful memories and see all parts of self fully, to heal those core beliefs, rewire the thoughts,...
Toxic Positivity  …

Toxic Positivity  …

Ever heard:- Don’t cry you’ll be alright.- Why can’t we all just get along?- Just be happy.- Good vibes only.- Don’t worry, you’ll get over it.- You’re so negative.- Just push through it, and you’ll be fine. I have an issue with this because personally, it makes...

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