event spiritual

What we hold space for whether it be perceived as wanting it or not means there is something in us that seeks to learn, complete, have a need met, or let go of something internally.

Learning to find the quiet spaces, to stop justifying, stop going down those one-way streets that hurt, to feel the discomfort of being such an asshole in someone’s story, not standing up for the truth in places it isn’t heard, to walk away and not entertain what you don’t want in your life requires you to change.

I remember after leaving domestic violence I had so many health issues, loss, pain, and all the fighting to keep my family safe, after years of this I came to a place of surrender – because I could see I was holding on and fighting for justice when I realised letting go of the fight didn’t minimise what happened to me but would help me start healing.

I realised I couldn’t make someone who isn’t willing to acknowledge their behaviour co-parent with me, I can’t shelter everyone from pain, or convince people who don’t want to believe me about what truly happened and I didn’t want to ruin myself holding on anymore.

If we want to grow we must starve the things taking our energy and it helps if we can see why it is easy for that kind of energy to take it in the first place.

It’s not ALL of the other side doing the upsetting things to us, I guarantee we play a role if it’s impacting us, we have been learning something in the process and have a chance to walk differently.

Inviting and embracing this magical new depth around real talk or no talk at all.

If you seek it, you have to lead the way and become it.

Resonance is everything.



About Jessie Moss Healer

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