The world responds …

The world responds …

What’s happening around you is happening within you. Let’s explore ⚛️ What’s happening within us is creating experiences through what shapes us to believe and attract certain things.What’s happening outside of us is often out of our control so...
Feeling SAFE  …

Feeling SAFE  …

As a person who had to battle self-worth issues, addictions, domestic violence, a severe lack of support while I healed, solo parenting, and whatever else life decided to throw at me. I know the importance of building resilience and strength from within me to keep...
Body Talks …

Body Talks …

Why mindset alone and pushing outside our comfort zone with force can be damaging for us. We have all experienced trauma. We don’t need to have a massive life-defining ‘spiritual awakening’ to encounter remnants of the childhood wounds that shaped us but what...
Setting Boundaries and living them …

Setting Boundaries and living them …

Your time is the most valuable gift. Your energy is the most valuable currency. When it’s not safe to set boundaries there is still work we can do energetically around it. Boundaries don’t need to be a big scary statement to the world, like everything else we...

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