The look I give the universe
After everything has fallen apart
And rebuilt into pure magic
Touché Universe 👏
I spill endless faith into Source
One solid & consistent resource
Its got my back
Its got yours too
I know I have felt a lack of support
Raising two boys by myself
Away from my family
Through traumatic experiences
A lot of moving and reestablishing
Over and over
Sometimes Source is all I have had
So I don’t write this post lightly
There is nothing fluffy or wishy-washy about connection to the divine
Sometimes we have no choice but to lean into ourselves and experience this magic
The more we practice the easier it gets
So if you feel a lack of support, love, anything right now…
Lean in.. experience it for yourself.
I just wanted you to know today and all days it is available and willing to be there for you too.
How much are you willing to lean in?