Sometimes the art of detachment is calling you to practice it, over and over again.
To see how much you are willing to trust something bigger.
“But it makes no sense to my heart, it makes no sense to what love would do.”
The response is always the same.
It’s not in your control, not everyone is heart-led—- that’s where the sadness comes from.
It reflects all the people that have chosen a pattern and not a loving heart capable to embrace eternity.
The small self, ego-self is trying to understand, trying to find answers and figure out why so many lessons.
Let go.
Learn a bit more.
What calls you is clearly bigger than you can imagine for yourself right now…
And some people just aren’t going to be coming with you.
So take that precious chance to let go every time it comes, even though its hard.
Unimaginable joy is coming, you don’t go through all this for nothing.
You don’t embody the open heart so deeply to be met with less next time.
To quote a sentence from one of my favourite poems…
“like a leaf falling from a tree… she just let go”.
Be the leaf.
Do it a thousand times silently graceful and a thousand times messy and raw.
Do it for yourself.
Do it to build the trust within.
Do it to give pain permission to subside.
Do it to make space for what chooses to land for you and meet you in a field of endless opportunities.
I have done this too many times to not trust the process, what’s waiting for you through those hard transitions you do not know yet, it’s new, maybe scary, but it’s better than you could dream up… so, detach to allow its entrance.
Don’t wait any longer.
If you are struggling with this type of practice repeat something similar to this each day:
I release all contracts that have expired, and I let go with love, I call and command all my energy and power back to me now, and with trust i reclaim the new path before me now for the highest good of all beings. thank you.