

to create change & build resilience from within

Your truth is calling.

There are unlimited ways to find connection and healing. The following offerings from Jessie are to guide you inward in a supportive and grounded way. Jessie takes a committed, intuitive, heart-led, experience-based approach to align the physical, energetic, mental, and emotional bodies.

“I am here in service for the long game, to guide you past ‘surviving’ and into a world of opportunity where you are thriving and settling into your truth. I am committed to guiding you with integrity.”  -Jessie 

Jessie Moss Services
Small Leaf
Sunshine Coast Holistic Healing


Intuitive Healings

These sessions will assist you in coming back home to the self.

Consisting of a holistic consultation and energy work to find the root of any causes of pain, discomfort, or blockages in the physical and energetic body. Healings are a precise treatment to what your body calls for in the moment, leaving you feeling aligned and balanced into a deeper awareness in and around all areas of life, work, relationships, health, and connection to self.

An intuitively led session including deep somatic knowledge from over 15 years of working with the body, what it stores and how to release it. Jessie helps you to empower yourself through mind-body connection, to remember your deep healing abilities through your inner world, and encourages the development of your intuition to gain insights into awakening your truth and gifts.

Holistic Energy Alignment promotes self-healing and positive change by relaxing the body, releasing tensions, strengthening the immune system, releasing old patterns, and balancing your life force. These sessions will help you to confidently build your spiritual and practical tools for your journey. Jessie will meet you wherever you are on your healing path, helping you discover that you are your greatest teacher and healer.

In Person 45 min session – $99

In Person 1.5 hr session – $200

Online Healing – 75mins $160


Transformative Coaching

Do you have the willingness to make a change but are not quite sure where to start?

Mentoring & Support through transitions can help take the fear and overwhelm out.

  • Guidance & Support through change
  • Techniques to assist in awakening consciousness
  • Healings & Activations towards purpose
  • Deeper understanding and alignment with Self
  • Working with parts of self & integrations for long-lasting change
  • Weekly sessions online or in person
  • Access to events in person &/or online to help support your work

Jessie brings spiritual guidance by tapping into the non-physical part of the self, shedding light on what is not seen yet, and assisting you in traveling through the breaking of old cycles and patterns no longer serving you. This includes awareness of the nervous system, your past challenges, and rewiring you into new belief systems. These sessions will help you to connect with a deeper sense of purpose and awareness.

This is a supportive and transformative process to and through change, to develop perspective through day-to-day living as you transition, to receive assistance in opening your connection to self, to observe how you are operating in the world, to show up real, accessing your intuition, and removing energetic blocks so you can thrive on your true life path.

These sessions may challenge you in ways to grow. In growth, you will open doors to compassion, love, and abundance. If you are open to exploring your self-development your wisdom will begin to flow in and you will experience more fullness and magic within everything you do.

Keeping aligned with your true self allows you to access and embody the unlimited, boundless being that you are as you navigate this experience the best way possible, as a self-led individual.


6 Week Intensive = $997

3 Months = $1997

Transformative Coaching Services Sunshine Coast
Cupping Therapy Sunshine Coast

Trigger Point/Cupping Therapy

This session integrates trigger point therapy, cupping, and other techniques to treat the physical while also offering somatic & energy healing to assist the release of trauma held in the body for a deep reset for your nervous system and energetics.

Targeted to treat people holistically who are feeling pain, injury, or illness in the body. These sessions will bring clarity to what is stored in the body and offer an opportunity for change.

You will leave feeling grounded, relaxed, and clear in your energy field. While also feeling a release of tension, trauma, and any holding patterns in your physical body.


45 min Appointment = $99



Meditation, Breathwork & Sound Journeys

These Healing Journeys are a beautiful practice of self-regulating, checking in, and observing the self. It’s a life-long tool that can keep you in authentic alignment helping you to create clarity and reduce stress during challenging times.

Meditations and connecting to your breath is a reset – it’s a realignment from what’s happening around you into a calm, grounded state of being and it gives you an opportunity to slow everything down to really tune in and allow healing to take up residence.

Jessie channels all of her own guided journeys with the fullest heartfelt intention for you to be self-healing throughout the entire process. She intuitively tailors the journeys to what the individual or group needs, which may include: sound healing, energy work, and guided breathwork to drop in deeper, with time to integrate your session at the end.

Sessions can be held one-on-one if your wanting to improve your self-practice or move deeper into an intention for healing. Or it can be a great group activity to book if you want to get a few people together for a journey.

Jessies guided journeys are also held in groups around the Sunshine Coast and occasionally online – please see the Events page for more info on upcoming Healing Journeys.

Please connect with me here if you would like to organise your own private session for a group or bring these journeys into your retreat.


Breathwork Sunshine Coast
Resources for Healing

Resources for Healing

I love to create tools and resources to support people in their own unique healing journeys, including personalised healing meditations, online courses and books.

These resources are created from my own experience, intuitive guidance and downloads and my deep desire to guide people gracefully through times of great transition in their lives.


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